
Installation instructions

Stand-alone application

Download the .exe file from the Downloads section and run it. It will automatically download and install required files and (optionally) create a desktop icon.

Matlab toolbox

If you have Matlab on your computer, you should install the toolbox. PIVlab needs Matlab and the image processing toolbox to run. The image acquisition toolbox and the parallel computing toolbox are optional. PIVlab is compatible with releases from Matlab R2019b and later. PIVlab checks for all requirements during startup and will warn you if something misses.

My preferred method is to download the zip file from GitHub by going here, click ‘Source code (zip)’ and extract the contents to a new folder in your Matlab work directory. Then run PIVlab_GUI.m.

Alternatively, download the latest ‘PIVlab.mltbx’ from here, and run it on your computer. It will automatically add the PIVlab toolbox and app in your Matlab installation.

Matlab online

You can run PIVlab in your web browser. All you need is a Mathworks account (free) to get 20 hrs free access per month. See the video quickstart here: Youtube video